Let's create the PHP file for receiving the POST from HTML, and injecting the data to DB.
Bullet points below the code will highlight the most important parts of it.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Page title</title>
// inputs from HTML
$fullName = $_POST['fullname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
// Server, DB, User, User password
$servername = "localhost";
$database = "rikundev_testusers";
$username = "rikundev_testuser";
$password = "7Cmny=k15vK)";
// Create connection
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $database);
// Connection Check
if (!$conn) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
else {
// Sanitize out '\'-characters
$fullName = str_replace("'","\'", $fullName);
$email = str_replace("'","\'", $email);
// Query
$qu = "INSERT INTO users(fullname, email) VALUES ('$fullName', '$email')";
// Query execution
if ($conn->query($qu)===TRUE){
echo "Inserted Successfully";
} else {
echo "Insert Failed ".$conn->error;
- The received inputs can be accessed with PHP's $_POST. It's an automatic global variable and available throughout the script. Use the name of the HTML Form input to access its value.
- After the inputs are set to variables, we'll set variables for Server, Database, User and User Password.
- Server is set to 'localhost'. The hosting service I'm using provides the domain and as well MySQL databases, making the connection from my HTML to DB a local connection.
- The DB, User and password are the same that I wrote down on my .txt file earlier.
- After the connection is made, there's a simple sanitation of the inputs. For example, having a single quotation mark (') in an input value would cause an error in the Query if it isn't sanitized.
- NOTE. For setting up a secure Query for injection, you could also read about mysqli::real_escape_string and Prepared statements.
"INSERT INTO users(fullname, email) VALUES ('$fullName', '$email')";
- The injection query breakdown
- INSERT INTO - Query type to execute
- Table name(column_1, column_2, column_n ...) - The table to insert into, column names in parenthesis
- Note also. users( fullname, email ) - Check correct casing and naming to match your .txt file (or names in cPanel DB) .
- VALUES ('$fullName', '$email') - Values to set in DB are given inside the parenthesis. Note. Use single quotation marks around the variable.
- In this example we only injected two column values, but the table has actually 3 columns (user_id, fullname, email). The id-column was set as Auto Incrementing during the table creation, and it gets its value automatically at creation.
Closing the connection
- After the injection succees or fails, the connection should always be closed.
if ($conn->query($qu)===TRUE){
echo "Inserted Successfully";
} else {
echo "Insert Failed ".$conn->error;
- You can improve the user experience by redirecting the client to a different page after the connection is closed. You can use f.e. PHP's header() for redirecting.
header("Location: https://rikun-devaus.com/redirected-here/");